The weeks are moving at an accelerated pace. How can it be that school holidays are only a stone's throw away?
Winter is shedding her final layers, although she keeps creeping in, reminding us that she's not quite sung her last song yet. The hailstorm that swept through a few days ago made that quite clear. Was this her final curtain call? Something in me says, not yet. However, countless signs of spring emerge through the cracks - bursts of wattle; the buzz of bees, their pollen baskets bulging at the seams; sunlight lingering for longer; the chorus of birdsong a welcome soundtrack to new growth and life.
As one who has learned over time to embrace each season for what she is, I have to say that winter has grown on me. Or maybe it's because this winter, in particular, has been mild. It is the first time in a long time that has seen my toes escape the pain of chilblains. With thanks to my new found love's, Merry People Boots and Nordic Socks, a sure-fire way to defend!
My oven has been humming as a multitude of comforting bakes have been on high rotation. As I write this, there is a sourdough chocolate cake cooling on the kitchen bench, the recipe of which comes via Anneka Manning of Bakeclub, awaiting the impending inhalation upon everyone's arrival home.
Which brings me to baking for people. I very rarely bake to satisfy my own sweet cravings. I'm a savoury girl at heart. But baking for others, well, that's a need I act upon regularly. Particularly when it's for an extra special purpose, like a birthday for instance. A couple of days ago I had the immense pleasure of gathering a few edible goodies together for two ladies who have added a generous handful of sparkle to my life. Complete with two sponges, because why have one when you can have two?
Even though we may be on the slippery slope towards the end of the year, it's these little moments - the bursts of spring colour; and the pure heart-centered joy of slicing into a wedge of time to make something with my hands for the people whom I love. I'm reminded of the words by Dr Suess, "Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory." And I, for one, am all for the moments.